Kees van Ekeren


Python developer with a love for nature, birds, code, music and the shared beauty of these things. Main experience in building web applications and datapipelines. Actively exploring mathematics and computer science. Experience with HTML, CSS, JS and React on a need-to-know basis.   Passionate about sustainability, both in nature and in code.

Favorite website:

Community cleanup project:

date of birth

Work experience
Gemeente Amsterdam 2021-now

Mainly worked on a cloud migration project from Openstack to Azure in a large hub-spoke network, while improving our core product, which consisted of 1) a JSON-schema DSL and processing system for dynamically expressing and generating datasets 2) a fleet of Python REST APIs to expose this (highly secure) data.

  • Designed workload infrastructure on Azure and used Terraform for implementation.
  • Designed and implemented manifests in Kubernetes for moving apps from Openstack to AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) .
  • Untangled and refactored undocumented Python legacy codebases.
  • Untangled and reformulated undocumented data processing pipelines expressed as collections of Bash scripts into K8s (cron)Jobs installed and triggered by Azure Pipelines (CI/CD solution).
Global Orange 2020-2021

Design and implement custom applications for a variety of clients with a high degree of autonomy.
Predominantly backend work and the occasional frontend job. All projects were implemented with Django, GraphQL (graphene), Postgres, Mongo and React.
  • Design and implementation of a system for AV/IT engineering on yachts.
  • Design and implementation of a system for management of real estate objects integrated with BAG.
  • Analysis, design and implementation of a system for optimisation of animal feed using LP techniques.
MobPro 2016-2019

Improve and maintain a system for real time purchasing of ad-inventory on mobile and digital out of home devices implemented in Django. Notable projects that I was responsible for and learned a lot from included the following:

  • Implement a Spark streaming data pipeline consuming data from Kafka and pushing it to a Druid database
  • Design and implement a Spark streaming data pipeline consuming data from Kafka and pushing it to BigQuery in GoogleCloud
  • Manage and improve a Druid cluster
  • Set up a Cassandra based system for processing audience information with high read/write loads
  • Design and build a Django REST API to expose statistical and business information from a variety of databases
OGD ICT Diensten 2014-2015

General IT services
  • Lay new networks in schools and governmental buildings
  • Install new software and machines at the Dutch government

Google Cloud

Self education now

When time allows me, I love exploring mathematics and data science using books and online sources: One of the great perks of living in the 21st century. Certificates for this can be found here.

CKA 2023

After working with Kubernetes for some time, I felt it was time for a certificate. I do have to admit that the hands-on experience I have is way more valuable to me than getting the certificate.

Make IT Work 2016

A one year fast paced course to prepare for working in a professional environment as a software developer. The first half year was a full time course teaching fundamental programming concepts using Java. The second half year was a mix of studying 1 day a week and working 4 days a week.

Master of InformationLaw 2015-2016

Main focus on software patents and patents on standardised technologies.

Minor Programming 2015

A semester of introductory courses in computerscience and programming. Taught in C and Python.